Main Page-Investment Areas
Investment Areas
Investment Areas

Solar Energy

Annual average total solar energy global radiation value of Van 1.635

kWh / m2-year. This value is 1660 kWh / m2 for Karaman province and 1646 kWh / m2 for Antalya province.

In Van province, both the solar radiation and the solar radiation

The amount is well above the average of Turkey. Electricity generation from solar energy

Considering many parameters affecting the efficiency of the solar panels used

Van province, Turkey's largest solar energy has the potential between provinces

It is shown.




There is an airport in Van. From Ankara to Ankara and Istanbul every day direct flights are available. In addition, direct flights from Van to Antalya and Van Izmir also done. passing through the highway that connects Iran to Turkey Van, Bitlis over Mediterranean area, to the west via Turkey Mus It is attached. one of Turkey's most important railway line, over Lake Van to Iran It is attached. In Van Lake, there are regular ferry services for passengers and vehicles with train wagons. done as



Since the province of Van is far below the regional potential, investments in the province

The institutions and organizations involved in the improvement of the investment environment and the

They are willing. Governorships, Development Agency and other public institutions and organizations

they have a maximum effort to support and guide investors. The people of the region

The charity also has a facilitating effect on the investment process. Daily in the region

living in a peaceful and usual way.



• Europe's gate to the east

• Cheap labor

• Rich energy and mining potential

• Tourism potential

• Border crossing with Iran

• Describe as the 4th most important category in the Decree Decree

• Ease of investment site allocation

• The fact that the TRB2 Region is a central province is a supporting factor for investing in Van.


Vegetable Production

Strengths when analyzing vegetable and undercover production in Van province and districts


- There is a lot of agricultural land suitable for vegetable growing in the province.

- There is a chance of production in late turn.

- The young population and labor force of the province to work in vegetable growing is high. Increased production

To work in the fields, it is easy to find young work force.

- The number of sunny days of our city is high. The number of sunny days is much

in production, outdoor farming and dried vegetables-fruit enterprises

can be used more extensively.

- In many diseases and pests, the region is relatively free.

-For vegetables, cucurbitaceae, beans, cabbage and cool climate vegetables, to grow

vegetation is sufficient.

- There are legal regulations preventing the fragmentation.

- There are districts with hot water resources for the sub-district.

- There are geothermal resources that can be used in the cultivation of sub-vegetable


Fruit Production

Analyzing the fruit production in Van and its districts as strengths;

- There is a lot of land suitable for fruit cultivation in the province.

Ecological factors suitable for walnut, almond and peanut cultivation

should be evaluated for the cultivation of these shelled fruits.

- There is a chance of production in late turn.

- The young population and the labor force level of the province are high.

- There are more sunny days in the province. It is one of the provinces with the most sunshine. More than the number of sunny days

Many fruit varieties are allowed to grow.

- It is copper and many other diseases.

- There are many kinds of fruits in the Vangölü basin. (Apple, Plum, Pear,

Quince, Thyme, Cherry, Cherry and Walnut)

- Peanut on wild melengic trees in forested areas in Çatak-Bahçesaray districts

There is a possibility of making the vaccine.

- Varieties of fruits that can be grown in our city's ecology For our country and region, monetary

return products are high.

- Domestic consumption is high due to the large migration rate of the province. This should be evaluated.

- A climate with a historical background, but suitable for rebuilding damaged areas,

has land and land.

- In our province, the work of Centenary University, fruit and viticulture in the ecology of the region

serious findings. Located in the province of Van province and

results of adaptation and selection studies conducted around

It should be utilized


Organic Farming

Strengths in analysis of organic agriculture sector in Van province and districts as;

- The existence of national legislation on organic agriculture

- The existence of corporate structure

-The existence of legal arrangements for the organization organization

- To have local brands

- Geographical location of the province

- Presence of the soil

-The existence of water sources

- Presence of meadows and pastures for organic livestock

- Support for organic agriculture

- The presence of livestock enterprises

- Low input usage due to traditional production

-Organic products to be demanded in foreign market

-To be able to benefit from extremism.

- Appropriate ecology for organic production

- Available water availability

- Low labor cost

- Lack of heavy industry to contaminate soil and water

-The existence of traditional knowledge and experience to support organic agriculture

- Agriculture faculty (ease of access to information and sharing)

- Less incidence of diseases and pests compared to other regions

- Increased transport possibilities

Foreign Currency
USD: 33.02 TL
EURO: 35.84 TL
GBP: 42.56 TL